Thursday, 11 December 2014

Music Video - First Draft

After all of the editing process we have now been able to finish and finalise our project video. The class will also be viewing the video soon and providing us feedback in which  we will take on board when we are improving our music video. Doing this we have now shared the video by uploading it to you tube, which will more likely allow a wider demographic to view our video and possibly be provided more feedback. This will benefit the group as it will allow us to take a more confident approach when we re-edit the video in imovie for our final version. However as this is not yet our final draft we will have to research more on copywright laws and so we will only make the video private/unlisted. Below is the music video of the groups first draft.
If video doesn't work click here 

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, well done on a successful picturesque, moody, music video. Great lighting.

    A few comments to consider for editing to make it even better for Friday's lessons.

    • Double check lipsync in areas at it was slightly out, tracking shot at beginning.
    • Check fades others may be more effective - research and show progress.

    • Good low shots, pan shots, tracking shots

    • Do you have variations on portrait angles whilst singing? If so cut in and out to show various crops of the face

    • Because it is a ballad it needs something to set the scene, some movement, look at original and you will see scene changes to interior and dark in contrast to brightness on street. Backing singers look great for power effect...... your piece needs the power effect to pull on the heart strings a little more.

    • Now it is back to you guys to find a way to do this....maybe more cuts will do the trick? You will have to experiment....ask the rest of the group for more ideas once you have discussed things.

    • You are all nearly there with this...... keep on trying and it is basically editing in more shots.

    • Make sure you discuss your still shots and express/ relate it to your concept/ initial ideas.

    • All of you need to comment on the success of this draft and what changes you would make as a group..list them and show how you will make changes.

    I look forward to the 2nd final version

    Mrs McD-H
