Monday, 15 December 2014

Group Reflection/Progress So Far

Now that we have published and presented our first draft for the music video, as a group we all believe that we have made a lot of progress so far in regards to our journey in creating our music video. We are pleased as to what we have accomplished so far and now must must keep working in order to complete the set tasks given and produce our final draft of our music video as well as the additional media products to promote the video and artist himself. Below are the set task that we have to work on as a team in order to complete our journey.

  • Research E Safety
  • Record Labels
  • Copyrights Post/Permission to use the song for our final product 
  • Create a Facebook and Twitter Page 
  • Create a Final Album Cover/CD Packaging Design
  • Create a Final Tour Poster 
  • Final Editing process for the Final Version of the Music Video 
  • Publish the Final Music Video 

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