Friday, 7 November 2014

Final Song Choice (Kieran Winrow)

The final song that we have decided on doing is Sam Smith's Stay with Me. The reason behind this song is that it is a very slow song which means that means it will be very easy to plan the transitions and the song is basic but effective lyrics that will be easy to lip sync.

The song has a clear narrative as the lyrics reveals a man who wants somebody in their life and does not want to be left alone. It is revealed throughout the lyrics to the audience that the situations is having a negative influence upon his life. The overall rhythm and structure of the song may possibly connote that the artist is passionate about his music and takes pride in what he does in regards to his appearance and surroundings also.

We are currently coming up with storyboards, types of shots, the shooting locations and what the videos story will be and as soon as we come up with them we will post update blog posts. At the current stage we have a few ideas but we are still trying to think out of the box to get some unique shots to ensure that the final product will be good.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Keiran, good overview and great to see actuial video. As soon as you have drawn up your storyboards tehy neede to be added here to show all of teh visuals. There are some in the metal cabinet in S9 and also I have attached pdf files to my past blogs if you need to print more out.
    Mrs McD-H
