Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Call Sheet (Charles Mossman)

Yesterday the group went out on location to start the filming process for our music video. Doing the process every team member had a specific job role including an actor, director being the primary camera man a photographer photographing behind the scene and a health and care assistant ensuring that the surrounding arrears were suitable to film . In order to guide us throughout the process we used the storyboards as well as constructing our own ideas which provided the group with a variety of camera shot/angles and certain camera movements in terms of the editing process.

While creating the music video we had taken the risk assessments into consideration by ensuring the weather was suitable and ensuring that the surrounding areas within our first location was not overcrowded. Below is the sheet in which presents the call sheet which outlines our activities during the day, transportation details and job roles. 


  1. Hi all, great to see call sheet images.

    • Double check your intro post text as it is a little confusing.
    • Please re read your posts as they tend to be a little confusing and muddled up at times!
    • You all work as a team and need to double check these simple things. It is very important to get these finer details correct.
    • You talk about certain sheets but do not display them so add please or say they are on the previous or newer posts.
    Your call sheet is incomplete as you have not put the cast on etc. Double check please.

    • Ensure whoever writes the posts put their name to the post - this is crucial as I and Mr D need to see you all blogging as a team.
    Mrs McD

  2. Thank you for the feedback miss, we will all take this all into consideration.
