Sunday, 4 January 2015

Capitol Records/Copyright Post (Charles Mossman)

Capitol Records are the record label in which owe the groups song choice "Stay with Me" by Sam Smith. The record company is a major American record label that is part of the capitol music group is owned by one of the big four companies, the Universal Music Group. As of this we have decided to sign our song with the major record label of the Universal Music Group. However so that the group is able to use the song in our music video and let the media product go viral across the web, we must have permission from the record company to use the song in terms of copyrights. In order to get permission I have decided to email the closest record company to Capital Record who are PMR Records asking permission. I have taken a screenshot of the email I sent below which is to

1 comment:

  1. Great work Charlie...lets hope they respond asap.
    Mrs McD-H
